Board Members

Join the LSC Board!

This is a great way to get involved and meet new spouses.

Most board positions require less than 10 volunteer hours per month.

It is a great way to build or maintain a resume.

For more information, email: 

Langley Spouses' Club's 2023-2024 Board

President- HeatherBoyer Social Chair- Isleny Oquendo

Parliamentarian- Christina Woods Fundraising- Laura Scanland

Charitable Vice- OPEN Scholarship Chair- Laura Scanland

Administrative Vice- OPEN Ways and Means- OPEN

Admin Treasurer- OPEN Thrift Store Chair- OPEN

Charitable Treasurer- OPEN Joint Spouses Luncheon- N/A

Secretary- Christina Woods Cookie Drive Chair- Maegan Rolondo

Membership- Tori Hunter Advisor- Jessica Altman

Publicity- OPEN

For those interested, please email: